Helping Kids Flourish in Kindergarten and Beyond
It's been a busy first 2 weeks of school and I am writing to express my gratitude to the wonderful, supportive parents who have helped to make the transition to school smooth for their children.  As children become more adjusted to the morning routine and comfortable in their new environment, the morning drop off time will be less emotional and easier for you!
Thank you all for your contributions to our classroom supplies. We appreciate your help so much.  We will keep you updated about more ways you can help at Back to School Night next week.
As you ask your child about his/her day at school, try asking the following types of questions.
  • When did you work hard on something today?
  • How did you help your classmates?
  • What time of day do you like best?
Every day we end our time together with a class meeting where we discuss and celebrate working hard and doing our best. I encourage the kids to come up with their own "unique" answer and to reflect on how they are doing their best.
Thanks again for your support! It's going to be a great day :-)

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