Helping Kids Flourish in Kindergarten and Beyond
We are easing back into our routines and doing quite well this week! Please take a moment to remind your child of the importance of respect in class; not just respectful listening to the teachers, but to each other. In addition, we have had to discuss keeping our bodies safely away from each other as their have been a few instances of "accidental" bumping into each other or hitting. 
I have been meeting individually with students this week, to assess their CAP ( letter identification and concepts of print) and reading levels; I am thrilled to see the dramatic growth among our students!  Within the next week, I will send home a letter reporting the letters that your child still needs to master. Although many of the students have mastered letter identification, it's still important to practice proper letter formation, handwriting, and identifying letter sounds. Blending short consonant vowel consonant words such as "cat" "top" "dog" will help your child practice important skills as we get ready to move into leveled reading groups over the next week. Meeting in these small groups on a daily basis will allow us to challenge each student at their reading level. 
This week, with the help of one of our awesome parent helpers, we compiled, stapled and passed out student picture dictionaries to keep in student desks to help with writing. We learned a fun game where students give each other clues while looking at a picture in the dictionary. Ask your child questions like these: What animal begins with letter "T" and has stripes? They love to play guessing games like this and build their letter sound skills in the process.
It's great to be back in class with your bright-eyed, enthusiastic children. As always, we appreciate your support !

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